The elected governance bodies listed below are comprised of University of Iowa staff, faculty, and students. These bodies represent constituent groups in policy discussions and empower the campus community.
Undergraduate Student Government (USG)
President: Addison Eckard (2024-2025)
Vice President: Brenda Ramirez (2024-2025)
The University of Iowa Student Government (USG) exists to represent, serve, and empower all University of Iowa undergraduate students. As a valued member of University Shared Governance, they offer input and guidance to staff, faculty, and administrators on issues that matter to students and act as the official student voice to the Board of Regents, the State of Iowa, and local and federal legislators. They also allocate the Student Activity Fee to organizations, services, and initiatives on campus that serve students.
Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG)
President: Khyathi Gadag (2024-2025)
Vice President: Abby Crabtree (2024-2025)
The Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG) mission is simple: improve the experience of graduate and professional students at Iowa. GPSG represents Iowa's nearly 10,000 graduate and professional students and advocate on their behalf to university administrators, the Board of Regents, and state and federal legislators. GPSG itself holds monthly meetings and is also heavily involved in campus-wide initiatives and committees.
Graduate Student Senate (GSS)
The Graduate Student Senate (GSS) is the duly constituted collegiate association of the Graduate College and is the primary representative, administrative, and service organization for the graduate students at Iowa. It serves as the voice of the graduate student population to the university administration, faculty, and to all other organizations at Iowa, and within the Iowa City community. Furthermore, it assists in the administration of resources designated to graduate students, and works to establish and maintain programs and activities of interests to graduate students.
Faculty Senate
President: Caroline Sheerin (2024-2025)
Vice President: Rodica Curtu (2024-2025)
The University of Iowa Faculty Senate, composed of eighty representatives of all academic units of the University, serves as the principal channel of communication between faculty members and the central administration of the University. The Senate may discuss and take a position on any subject of University concern, and may recommend policies on these matters to the President. The Senate also appoints faculty members to serve on Charter and University committees as well as Faculty Senate committees; these committees carry out much of the work of the Senate. The Senate also consults with the Board of Regents regarding appointment of central academic officials, and with the President on the periodic performance reviews of such officials.
Staff Council
President: James Jorris (2024-2025)
Vice President: Neda Barrett (2024-2025)
The University of Iowa Staff Council is an elected body that represents approximately 7,500 non-bargaining professional and scientific staff. Founded in 1967, it is the council’s mission to represent and advocate for all staff at the university. The council works closely with the Office of the President and Human Resources to voice staff concerns and disseminate information in a timely manner.